Budget $30-250 USD Freelancer Jobs Blockchain Honeypot detector for tokens in bsc, eth, polygon, avalance, solana, and fantom Users enters addres to check if it is a honeypot. Sort comments as controversial first by clicking here. Honeypot detector simulates a buy and a sell transaction to determine if a token is a honeypot. PHP. Generally, a honeypot Detector operation consists of a computer, applications and data that simulate the behavior of a real system that would be attractive to attackers, such as a financial system, internet of things (IoT) devices, or a public utility or transportation network. Official or related subreddits: r/Solana, r/Alogrand, r/Hedera, r/Ethereum. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. Solana Trading Swap; Optimism Trading Swap; OKC Trading Swap; Fantom Trading Swap; Quantitative Trading; Mixed Currency Trading; Currency Exchange; Data Analysis. S. honeypot checker for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON Network!. The project aims to identify crypto honeypots following these steps: You must specify a dex. The last one was on 2022-02-13. First of all clone the project:Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Just visit the website and check the contract address. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Home BSC Rug Check ETH Rug Check PancakeSwap Live Whale Alert New; TX-Check New; ClassRoom New; Advertising Poly Rug Check soon;Honeypot detector for tokens in bsc, eth, polygon, avalance, solana, and fantom. 5. Just visit the website and check the contract address. Crypto Honeypot Detector. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Detect Honeypot on the BSC chain. com Review - Scam Detector. Honeypot Detector Honeypot Detector. Honeypot detector simulates a buy and a sell transaction to determine if the token is a honeypot or not. Find out if there is a rebase and if the token has closed sales. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Prize allocations: 1st - 300, 2nd - 150, 3rd - 75. Top posts of February 16, 2022 Top posts of February 2022 Top posts of 2022 Top posts of February 2022 Top posts of 2022291 subscribers in the SafeMoonELITE community. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON NetworkLink: does it work? Honeypot detector simulates a buy and a sell tran. To prevent. Relevant Navigation. Token Sniffer smart contract scam scanner and its technology is now integrated into Solidus Labs’ Web3 AML solutions. Check for honeypot. r/detecthoneypot: Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO. Token Address. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Detect Honeypot on the Ethereum chain. v1. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. World’s #1 Fraud. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. This is an experimental service, provided as-is. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC, OPTIMISM. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Our The Rug checker will help you check whether there is a rag pool and honeypot in the contract. RugDoc is not responsible for any losses, monetary or otherwise, resulting from the use of this service. php crypto bitcoin command-line honeypot ethereum cryptocurrency cli-app honeypot-detector binance binance-smart-chain honeypot-check honeypot-checker honeypot-ethereum honeypot-bsc. Recently cited by the U. Honeypot Detector. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. BSCheck - Free BSC/ETH/POLY/FTM/DC token analyzerPosts with mentions or reviews of honeypotdetector. payout difference)solana. Honeypot detector simulates a buy and a sell transaction to determine if a token is a honeypot. Press J to jump to the feed. [honeypot checker](for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON Network! How does it work? Honeypot detector simulates a buy and a sell. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Users enters addres to. Honeypot detector, support BSC,ETH on-chain data query. Update on June 2022 Brave Ads payout issue (large estimated earnings vs. . Honeypot detector simulates a buy and a sell transaction to determine if a token is a honeypot. Competing or related projects: Algorand, Ethereum. Tujuan diciptakannya honeypot adalah untuk membantu menyempurnakan Intrusion Detection System (IDS)–software yang dapat mendeteksi jaringan keamanan–agar dapat mengatasi serangan dengan lebih baik lagi. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsHoneypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Freelancer. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. The application will try to buy some tokens and then resell them. You must specify the token to test and the token to exchange it with. Prevention Platform. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Honeypot detector simulates a buy and a sell transaction to determine if the token is a honeypot or not. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. . Prevention Platform. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Honeypot detector for tokens in bsc, eth, polygon, avalance, solana, and fantom. Solana Pros & Cons - Participate in the r/CC Cointest to potentially win moons. Perlu dipahami jika honeypot bukanlah bentuk cyber security yang dapat mencegah serangan hacker secara langsung. How does it work? Honeypot detector simulates a buy and a sell transaction to determine if a token is a honeypot. We are building a community that will work together to…Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. com Review - Scam Detector. To prevent getting tricked, honeypot detector performs a lot of extra checks to minimize false results. Budget $30-250 USD. Detect Honeypot on the Ethereum chain. Blockchain. Detect honeypots with the highest accuracy. 3. An honeypot detector for many chains. solana. Before running it. It appears as part of a network but is actually. Doesn't work on mobile. To prevent getting tricked,. Best experienced on a. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKCHoneypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. This sub is dedicated to the SafeMoon project. Honeypot Token Checker. Updated on Jan 27, 2022. Honeypot Detector for BSC, ETH, AVAX, FTM, POLYGON, SOLANA, CARDANO, CRONOS, KCC, HARMONY, MILKOMEDA, METIS, DOGE CHAIN, HECO, ETC, ARBITRUM, EthereumPow, OKC. Honeypot detector simulates a buy and a sell transaction to determine if the token is a honeypot or not. World’s #1 Fraud. Direct link Mobile view. Jobs. Crypto's most advanced honeypot detection. Department of the Treasury and in Senate Banking Committee testimonies, Token Sniffer is an established authority on smart contract scams screening, and as such - will be kept publicly available as part of Solidus’.